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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada


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For Sale - Canada

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For Sale - Canada


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See provinces: 

For Sale - Canada  Businesses - For Sale by Owner  For Sale - Canada
- Today's  Featured  Listings -
 Price   Location   Description Title 
$325,000.00 M4C - Toronto Area Windows & Doors Installation Business For Sale In Ontario    See More Info about Sale #44923001
*A profitable vinyl replacement windows & spray foam Insulation Business for Sale in Ontario. *The business was established in 1973 and purchased by the current owner in 1983 ...
$2,200,000.00 G9T - Quebec East Elite Transport and Logistics Company    See More Info about Sale #44924001
Their services include transporting goods, trailer renting, heavy vehicle mechanic repairs and body work, allowing them to cater to a diverse pool of clients ...
$1,100,000.00 T** - Alberta Profitable Portable Toilet & Restroom Rental and Service Business - Established    See More Info about Sale #35025002
Well established 30 year family based turn-key business. Over $1.0 Million gross revenue. Extensive and loyal customer base. Consistent growth past 8 years ...
$2,000,000.00 M5H - Tor - Relocatable Profitable Auto Parts Distributor    See More Info about Sale #44919001
An exciting opportunity is available to acquire a highly profitable auto parts distributor based in Toronto, Ontario. With an established track-record, this reputable business ...
$850,000.00 M3N - Toronto Area Well Known and Lucrative Cannabis Business    See More Info about Sale #45003002
Own a premier cannabis dispensary with a strong market presence and a loyal customer base. Established in a strategic location in a bustling plaza and near a busy hotel, this ...
$99,900.00 L7R - Central Ontario Robotic Welding Services    See More Info about Sale #45004001
Established in 2016, this company offers outsourced welding solutions for manufacturers and businesses requiring contract welding services. The business specializes in providing ...
$450,000.00 L6H - Central Ontario Bed Bug Extermination Business    See More Info about Sale #45005002
Specialist in bed bug extermination with government social housing contract.
$650,000.00 M4C - Toronto Area Leading Printing Business For Sale in Lindsay    See More Info about Sale #45005003
*Profitable Printing business serving the communities in Kawartha Lakes with reliable, personalized and exceptional service for over 88 years *Business has a multi-year track ...
$2,000,000.00 M5M - Toronto Area Fume & Smoke Extraction System Manufacturer, Ontario    See More Info about Sale #45004002
FumeCo. specializes in the distribution, manufacturing, and service of top-tier fume and smoke extraction systems for high-performance applications, including production welding, ...
$375,000.00 M3J - Toronto Area Packaging Business For Sale Toronto    See More Info about Sale #45006002
Well established Packaging & Shipping Supplies business with excellent Toronto central location. The business is engaged in manufacturing, import and distribution of packaging ...
$650,000.00 N5V - SouthWestern Ontario London Ontario Beverage Manufacturing Business + Brand    See More Info about Sale #45008001
-Business in operation for almost 10 years, with strong relationships with suppliers, customers and team. -Canada-wide distribution and National Sales Broker -Fully functioning ...
$600,000.00 M4C - Toronto Area GTA Based HVAC & Refrigeration Business For Sale    See More Info about Sale #45013001
Business & Financial Overview *Established in 2009 and specializing in sales, service, design, installation and maintenance of HVAC and Refrigeration services for the Commercial & ...

For Sale - Canada

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They that go down to the sea in ships,
that do business in great waters;
These see the works of the LORD,
and His wonders in the deep.

- (Psalm 107:23-24) -

Ichthus - Christ
