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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44526001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Kitchen And Bath Renovation Business For Sale In Edmonton - Ref #7718

$235,000.00 (Cdn)

Kitchen And Bath Renovation Business For Sale In Edmonton - Ref #7718
Business Location: Alberta
Postal Code: T4X
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Construction & Renovations
House, Furnishings & Landscaping


*Highly Profitable: The business has shown significant profitability with normalized EBIT of nearly $125K in YE Dec 2023. The business has consistently grown every year in operation and runs on advanced bookings.

*Revenue Growth: The business has a strong revenue growth trajectory, with revenue of $527K in YE Dec 2022, and $563K in YE Dec 2023.

*Specialization in High-End Construction and Renovation: The business specializes in high-end construction and renovation, a niche with significant potential for profitability. Typical project size ranges from $40K-200K

Revenue : $563,000
Asking Price: $235,000
Ref: 7718
Location : Alberta
Status : Price Reduced


*Innovative Marketing: By leveraging online marketing, this business has secured a premier position within its domestic market, showcasing its commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends, ensuring its offerings are always in sync with evolving consumer demands.

*Strong Brand: The business has built a strong brand within its niche, leading to high customer retention and repeat business.

*High Referral Rate: The business benefits from a high referral rate, indicating satisfaction


*Experienced Professionals: The team comprises experienced professionals with over 10 years of experience in the industry, ensuring high-quality service delivery​​.

*Customer-Centric Approach: The business provides a highly personalized service, tailored to clients’ specific needs and design preferences, leading to high customer satisfaction​​.

*Custom Made: This business specializes in creating bespoke units with in-house designs.

*Each client is considered unique.



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