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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44529001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Food Service Focused General Contracting Business - Ref #1568

$1,600,000.00 (Cdn)

Food Service Focused General Contracting Business - Ref #1568
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Construction & Renovations
Contracting Trades


*Profitable GTA based Retail & Food Service General Contracting Business established over 16 Years ago

*Revenue of $4.51M and Normalized seller discretionary earnings of $1.1M in YE Dec 2023

*As per seller, YE Dec 2024 revenue and profits are expected to be in line with previous year. As of May 2024, business has about $1.2M of work on hand

*Company offers full range of Construction Services including Design, Project Management and in-house Custom Millwork shop with an expertise in Retail and Food Service Construction


*Company has a reputation for accurate estimates, superior craftsmanship, customization and completing projects on time & in Budget

*Clients are sourced primarily by referral and include a significant number of repeat customers, many of whom are highly respected Fortune 500 companies

*Company is on the approved vendor list of many of the well-known retail/restaurant brand and the current portfolio includes retail brands in corporate, institutional, hospital and retail environments.


*Company has a Staff of 12 FT skilled site laborer’s, Site Supervisors, Project Managers, skilled millwork professionals and CAD designers that provides a substantial depth of talent; some of the existing talent can be groomed for leadership role during transition

*Huge potential to grow by leveraging the current brand and bidding for larger projects and/or target other verticals

*After 16 years in business, seller is looking to semi-retire.



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