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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44622001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Small moving and delivery part time business

$59,000.00 (Cdn)

Small moving and delivery part time business
Business Location: South Central Ontario
Postal Code: L4N
Relocatable: Yes
Business Categories:
Warehousing, Moving & Storage
Business Services & Supplies


This is currently a part time, turn key side hustle that you can park in your driveway for minimal cost. I work this business about 20-25 hours a month and have regular repeat residential and commercial clients. Set your own hours and rates. I have run the company for over 4 years and it is a respected name in the area with a great reputation and many Google reviews. A new feature is a recently launched website which is optimized for organic SEO results. The business is run part time but could be expanded and grown.

I would also consider a partnership if you just wanted to take over the operating portion and have me remain engaged with sales.


The business generates a respectable part-time income due to me only being able to work at it 20-25 hours a month. During COVID I ramped it up and earned $80,000 in sales my first year. As a part time gig; it ticks along doing about $3500-6500 per month in sales. It is run as a single operator with casual labour when needed, so the margins are very good. If you wanted to add a box truck or a van the brand would work well and lend itself to adding employees or even franchising.


There are major moving companies in the area which generally don't cater well to our niche market. There is also pressure from the unlicensed, uninsured 'Kijijji Cowboys' that come and go all the time. We have persevered due to our trusted branding. We have slowly built a trusted reputation with our 5-star Google rating which enables us to get a lot of referrals and book jobs even if we are more expensive than others. We are basically a professional move company in a small package.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • 6 x 12' enclosed cargo trailer with custom wrap
  • SEO optimized website
  • Uniform pieces
  • Equipment
Comes complete as a small business you can park in your driveway - just add your truck! Custom wrapped trailer with eye-catching graphics looks like it is a professional franchise - and I am often asked if it is! All equipment needed for moving jobs, logo printed uniform pieces and brand new SEO optimized website. Full training provided and booked jobs waiting to go.


-  EXCLUDED  from  the  Price  -

Please note you would require a tow vehicle for the trailer.

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