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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44625001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

General Contractor On South Vancouver Island - Retirement - Ref #10870

$495,000.00 (Cdn)

General Contractor On South Vancouver Island - Retirement - Ref #10870
Business Location: British Columbia
Postal Code: V5J
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Construction & Renovations
Contracting Trades


*Company: Profitable, well-established General Contracting company with 20 yr+ history and A+ Rating from Better Business Bureau

*Consistent Profitability: Company has a multi-year track record of profitability. The average revenues for last 4 years (Year-End Jan-2023) are around $535K and forecast for Y/E 2024 at around $520K. Seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) for the last 4 years (Y/E 2019-2023) would average at $235K and similar SDE forecasted for Y/E 2024 as well

*Revenues: Generated from general contracting services for new or renovation projects of various sizes – as well as excavation services, fencing, decks and horse facilities


*Growth Opportunities: Exist by undertaking more projects through present marketing channels, by implementing a more aggressive marketing to expand the client base and many more to be disclosed further through discussions with the seller

*People: Very knowledgeable owner with vast experience in undertaking challenging projects. Long-term and reliable (15-20) subcontractors covering all the aspects/phases of residential construction trades


*Smooth Transition: Owner is planning to retire, hence looking to sell the business. He is willing to stay on board for a negotiable period (6-12 months) to assist with the transition of the business

*Assets Included: Vehicles, Equipment, Tools and Inventory (as per seller, valued at $230k)

*Financing Flexibility: Seller is open to consider seller financing option for serious and qualified buyers only



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

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