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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44702001
 Business  For  Sale 
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Cabinet and traditional solid wood woodworking shop

$185,000.00 (Cdn)

Cabinet and traditional solid wood woodworking shop
Cabinet and traditional solid wood woodworking shop
Business Location: SouthWestern Ontario
Postal Code: N1E
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Contracting Trades
House, Furnishings & Landscaping


- Old World Woodworking has been family owned and operated since inception in
1997, which has allowed them to build long-term client relationship

- Core products include residential kitchen 75%, build in cabinets, entrance doors,
heritage solid millwork, trim reproduction, furniture and repair, other related products
and some retail of trim

- The company has a stellar reputation (5 star rating) in the area. The store is well
run with social media in place to continually drive sales

- Business has been a go to for mid to high end customers for over 25 Yrs


- Company has a multi-year track record of profitability with average revenue of
approximately $600,000 during the last 5 financial years

- Huge opportunity to take the business to next level by implementing active marketing
strategies, including marketing to existing customers


- Approximately 70% of business comes from residential and 30% contractors and

- Diversified client base with no single client leading to majority of business revenue
every year



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • large traditional wood working Machinery for solid wood and sheet goods
  • shaper with extensive tooling for trim and door production
  • complete shop, set up and run by German craftsman
  • extensive data base with 1000 customer infos
  • webpage and social media
  • 100 % of shares
  • 2 years of lease
  • one full time, one 1/2 time, custom high end cabinet / furniture maker


-  EXCLUDED  from  the  Price  -


  • delivery van
  • some personal tools

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