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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44703003
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Established Bookkeeping and Tax Firm

$495,000.00 (Cdn)

Established Bookkeeping and Tax Firm
Business Location: Eastern Ontario
Postal Code: K0M
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Professional Services & Consulting
Financial Services & Investing


This well-trusted and professional tax and bookkeeping firm has been providing top-tier financial services to its clientele. They offer a wide range of services, primarily focusing on personal and corporate income tax filing, bookkeeping and payroll services. This firm has built a solid reputation for reliability and excellence, ensuring a loyal client base and consistent revenue. There is significant potential for local growth and expansion of the company's services and geographic reach. This could include introducing new services to existing clients such as financial consulting, strategic tax planning, or expanding into new markets.


The existing owner currently works part-time in the practice, allowing for a flexible schedule. This arrangement also presents an opportunity to take on additional clients if the new owner assumes a full five-day work week to increase revenue and profit margins. The seller is committed to a smooth transition and is willing to stay on to help you transition into this role and ensure your success in taking over this firm.

Listing ID: 3629



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