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 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44704002
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RV Park for Sale

$3,400,000.00 (Cdn)

RV Park for Sale
RV Park for Sale
RV Park for Sale
Business Location: Yukon
Postal Code: Y0A
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Recreation, Resorts & Camping
Tourism & Attractions


Downtown RV Park on the Alaska Highway located in the center of Watson Lake, Yukon. On 5.9 acres with 80 full hook-ups with electric, city water and sewer. Building with office, men and women washrooms with showers, laundromat with 4 washers and 10 dryers and storage room. Coin operated RV/Car wash. Separate mobile home for living quarters. Seasonal operations from April to October.


Well established business for 23 years by present owner. Average income of around $250,000 per season.


Largest RV Park in the area with the most services and drinkable water.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

RV Park on the Alaska Highway with 80 sites with full hook-ups with 5-50 amp, 69-30 amp and 17-15 amp electricity, city water and most with sewer.

Seasonal Operation. Potential for growth by adding cabins and or gas station. Land also could be use for development of housing/condo’s.

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