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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44710001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Plumbing Business For Sale In Toronto - Ref #7214

$2,500,000.00 (Cdn)

Plumbing Business For Sale In Toronto - Ref #7214
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Construction & Renovations
Contracting Trades


*Very Profitable & well-established Plumbing business in Toronto for over 30 years

*Business’ principal business activities include: Maintenance of Apartment Buildings; Plumbing & Drain Work; Concrete Cutting & Repairs; Sewer & Water Main Repairs

*Approximately 40% of revenue comes from service work for rental apartment buildings, and 60% from new construction

*Current owner is open to partial ownership with a strategic partner, or in the case of an outright sale, is willing to stay in the capacity of a consultant post-acquisition

*Company has a multi-year track record of consistent profitability with average revenues of approximately $2.8M during the last 3 financial years.


*Average discretionary earnings in last three financial years have been approximately $740K with average discretionary earnings in the last financial year being close to $1M

*Business benefits from repeat clientele and business relationships developed over 3 decades of being in the business that leads to ongoing revenues

*Business price includes assets of approximately $600K

*Business has a non-unionized staff of 8 employees inclusive of licensed plumbers & helpers


*Over 90% of the revenues come from repeat business with little marketing.

*Significant opportunity to elevate the business by leveraging the current brand for growth and implementing active marketing strategies. Exploring untapped verticals such as HVAC could also enhance business prospects. Moreover, finding a forward-thinking strategic buyer or partner has the potential to propel the business to the next level



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