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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44710002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Fireplace Business For Sale In Saskatchewan - Ref #85875

$775,000.00 (Cdn)

Fireplace Business For Sale In Saskatchewan - Ref #85875
Business Location: Saskatchewan
Postal Code: S9X
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
House, Furnishings & Landscaping
Retail Stores & Sales


*Full-service fireplace business for sale, established in Saskatchewan for 20 years.

*Core services include selling and installing gas and wood fireplaces and stoves, chimney sales and cleaning and WETT inspections etc.

*Core clients includes homeowners, contractors, commercial building owners.

*Average revenue of over $826K and average owner discretionary income of $161K during last four years.


*Business price includes inventory of $325K, equipment of $205K.

*5% of annual sales is recurring revenue; Company’s average sale value is $10K; Top 5 customers make up 10% of annual sales; Business has approximately 2,900 customers.

*Staff of 3 FT non-union employees plus the owner and accountant.

*Huge potential to grow business by leveraging the current brand and by hiring installers.


*Operates from 3,600 Sq. Ft. leased facility.

*Current owner is looking to retire and is willing to stay as a consultant for a negotiable period.

*Seller is open to providing some seller financing, making this a highly attractive opportunity for potential buyers.



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