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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44715001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

50 Year Old Electrical Contracting Business For Sale In GTA - Ref #8648

$495,000.00 (Cdn)

50 Year Old Electrical Contracting Business For Sale In GTA - Ref #8648
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Contracting Trades
Electronics & Electrical


Business Overview

*Established Legacy: Reputable and profitable electrical contracting business in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) operating for more than 50 years

*Diverse Portfolio: Business provides comprehensive electrical solutions for commercial, industrial, and residential needs

Deal Highlights

*Inclusive Assets: Purchase price includes Working Capital, Equipment and Vehicles valued approximately at $115,000

*Flexible Financing: Limited seller financing available for qualified buyer(s)

Financial Snapshot

*Revenue Growth: Year-on-year increase with revenue reaching approximately $592,000 in 2023, estimated revenue for 2024 as per seller is about $650,000.


*Strong Earnings: Demonstrated multi-year track record of profitability, with the owner’s discretionary earnings for the period ending November 2023 at approximately $225,000

Human Resources

*Workforce: Business has a non-unionized staff of 3 employees, including 2 Licensed Electricians

*Owner Roles: Owner is currently responsible for Fieldwork, Oversee operations, Manage client relationships and staff


Competitive Strengths & Opportunity

*Organic Growth: A loyal and organic client base built over the years; the family-owned business currently has over 330 clients in the database and does over 80% repeat business from existing clients

*Growth potential: The majority of current revenues are generated organically through an existing client base, with no active marketing efforts. There is significant untapped potential for growth by implementing marketing strategies



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

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