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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44722002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Electrical Contractor & EV-Charging Leader - Retirement - Ref #39416

$6,000,000.00 (Cdn)

Electrical Contractor & EV-Charging Leader - Retirement - Ref #39416
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Contracting Trades
Electronics & Electrical


*Company: Based in Greater Toronto Area (GTA) - well established with 30 years in operation - owner with 35 years experience

*Strong growth in revenues/profitability: Last year (Year-End Nov-2023) revenue at around $4.8M and seller’s discretionary earnings (SDE) approximately $1.8M. Based on year-to-date performance, the forecast for YE 2024 are for revenues to grow to $7M and SDE to approximately $2.4M

*Niche Industry: Already a leader in the industry, the company is focused, positioned and operates in an already high-growth industry – large scale Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging solutions. Canada’s federal government 2035 EV mandate would give the industry a good boost.


*Growth Opportunities: By increasing the workforce, undertaking more projects from existing and new clients, expanding geographically beyond GTA and/or by implementing a more aggressive sales/marketing strategy to expand the client base.

*Staff: Owner included – an unionized staff of 13 full-time employees. Key employees have been with the company for last 10-20 years.

*Owner’s Role: Owner’s key role is to handle overall management of the company, clients’ relationships, sales, manage the staff.


*Smooth Transition: Owner is planning to retire, hence looking to sell the business. He is willing to stay on board for a negotiable period (6-12 months) to assist with the transition of the business

*Assets Included: Vehicles, Equipment, Tools and Inventory (as per seller, valued at $310k)

*Financing Flexibility: Seller is open to consider seller financing option for serious and qualified buyers only

Revenue : $7,000,000
Asking Price: $6,000,000
Ref: 39416
Location : Ontario - GTA



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