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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44725001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

uFish / Fish Farm for sale

$320,000.00 (Cdn)

uFish / Fish Farm for sale
Business Location: New Brunswick
Postal Code: E8J
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Farming, Fishing & Forestry
Tourism & Attractions


This business was originally established in 1984 and is a popular sport for tourists from around Canada, the US and Internationally. There is also a good customer base amongst the local residences that love trout fishing.

There are many other possibilities for this property and business but we do not have the time or the resources to expand into these areas.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • Approximately 24 acres of land
  • 5 ponds
  • pumps, aerators
  • Log Cabin, Camper trailer, Cabin, sheds
Included is one log cabin, one newer cabin (2 years old), camper trailer, multiple sheds.

The property is approximately 24 acres which included 5 dug ponds used for raising trout.

Included is the original business name.


-  EXCLUDED  from  the  Price  -


  • Current business name is not included.

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