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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44730001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Restaurant, convenience store, gas

$725,000.00 (Cdn)

Restaurant, convenience store, gas
Business Location: Northern Ontario
Postal Code: P0A
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Restaurants, Bars & Hospitality
Real Estate & Rental Buildings


Convenience, and restaurant are its best features.


This is a turnkey operation.
No liens or mortgage existing.


No competition.
A business of convenience.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • All chattels for restaurant,
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Fully equipped store
  • Gas pump and tank
  • Rental apartment
  • Property
This sale has living on site or rental opportunity, fully licensed air-conditioned restaurant, convenience store and gas.

Kitchen is staffed with three employees, 3 wait-staff, and convenience store staff



Located on snowmobile trail system.

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