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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44812002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

High Volume Automotive and Accessories Supplier

$2,000,000.00 (Cdn)

High Volume Automotive and Accessories Supplier
Business Location: Alberta
Postal Code: T2C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Automotive Sales & Service
Retail Stores & Sales


High customer ratings and satisfaction make this a reputable and well trusted business. They also ship wheels, tires, and accessories all over Canada, ensuring a high volume of sales and profitability. The company is also incredibly active across social media platforms with an established user base, which provides a great opportunity for growth through marketing tactics.

Listing ID: 3627


The business supplies wheels, tires, suspension, and wheel accessories for cars, trucks, SUVs, and power-sports vehicles. They also cater to specialty cars and trucks on the road, namely lifted trucks, dually trucks, lowered cars, performance cars, tuner cars, track cars, classics, and show vehicles, which makes them stand out in the market against their competitors by offering unique services and products.



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