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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44814001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Partnership - Leading Business Consulting Company - Ref #8778

$1,300,000.00 (Cdn)

Partnership - Leading Business Consulting Company - Ref #8778
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Business Services & Supplies
Professional Services & Consulting


An exceptional opportunity to acquire a partnership interest in a well-established and reputable business consulting firm specializing in strategic planning, financial analysis, business advisory, business coaching and operational optimization for small to medium-sized businesses. With a proven track record of success, this firm is known for its client-focused approach, innovative solutions, and commitment to driving results.

Next Steps:

Any further information will only be provided after receiving the signed NDA, copy of the buyer's resume / LinkedIn profile and proof of minimum 250K readily available cash


Established Reputation: Successful operations with a loyal client base and Diverse Clientele: Serving a wide range of clients
Experienced Team: A dedicated and highly skilled team of consultants and support staff Scalable Operations:Infrastructure and processes in place for continued growth and expansion.

Financial Performance:

Revenue: $1.3M
Cash Flow: $500K
Growth Potential: Opportunities for further growth through geographical expansion, new service offerings, digital transformation etc.


Sale Options:

The owner is open to selling a negotiable stake in the business to a qualified buyer who would be willing to become an operating partner and bring fresh ideas and energy to the business and will be involved in strategic decisions and day-to-day operations.

Ideal Buyer/Partner:

This opportunity is ideal for a buyer or partner with a background in finance or business consulting, a passion for helping businesses succeed, and a desire to take this successful firm to the next level.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

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