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 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44819001
 Business  For  Sale 
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Leading Building Information Modeling Agency

$1,900,000.00 (Cdn)

Leading Building Information Modeling Agency
Business Location: British Columbia
Postal Code: V3H
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Professional Services & Consulting
Information Technology


Located at the intersection of technology and creativity, this business serves a diverse and prestigious Canadian and US client base across various sectors, including industrial, ports, commercial, residential, healthcare industries. By offering innovative processes such as 3D Virtual Design Construction, clash detection, 4D and 5D modelling, laser scanning, and Scan to BIM, the studio provides clients with powerful tools to visualize, coordinate, quantify, and market properties. These advanced solutions enhance decision-making, streamline construction, and ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.


Step into the future of architectural design, engineering, and construction with this dynamic BIM/VDC service studio. This business has earned a stellar reputation for revolutionizing the visualization of construction and architectural projects through advanced 3D modelling technology. Known for delivering high-quality, immersive 3D representations, the agency excels in lowering clients' costs through efficient BIM processes.

Listing ID: 3633



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