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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44821003
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Westlock Propane Hut is for sale

$650,000.00 (Cdn)

Westlock Propane Hut is for sale
Business Location: Alberta
Postal Code: T7P
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Business Services & Supplies
Energy & Environment


* Company Recognition

Brand awareness: The Propane Hut is a recognizable name in Westlock.
Trust: We build trust with our clients and offer financing options for clients that need our assistance.

* Expertise & Stability

Highly knowledgeable workforce: We are all certified and have expertise in the propane business.
Skilled labor:
High-level standards:

* History of success

Steady growth in sales- The Propane Hut has shown steady growth and profit since it began. Malcolm thinks outside the box to create new revenue streams for the business.
Successful track record:
Loyal client base:

* Customer Service

First-class service:
24/7 support:


The company is in an excellent financial position. All Financials will be made available to a qualified buyer.


Malcolm has decided to retire - he is a motivated seller.
The Westlock Propane Hut has been owned and operated by Malcolm since 2017. He has two key employees one of which will retire and one that will be staying on with the business. This employee has worked for the Propane Hut for the past 3 years and is knowledgeable about the business.
The Westlock Propane Hut is an immediate and complete set up for your own propane business or, to add on to your existing business.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

Westlock Propane Hut is for Sale.



There is an additional 1-acre parcel with a house that is currently rented. This property is used for extra storage.

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