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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44822001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Excavation And Drainage Business For Sale In New Brunswick - Ref #4079

$1,067,500.00 (Cdn)

Excavation And Drainage Business For Sale In New Brunswick - Ref #4079
Business Location: New Brunswick
Postal Code: E1A
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Professional Services & Consulting
Energy & Environment


*Well established business with over 40 years of specialized experience and contacts throughout Atlantic Canada.

*The business offers a full range of residential wastewater services, drainage, land clearing, as well as consulting and other specialized services. Additionally, the business has a history of profitable snow plowing operations, which is currently on hold at the owner’s discretion. The equipment for snow plowing is still available for the new buyer, and the business continues to receive snow plowing requests.

*The company also offers pumping services to new and existing clients. It is not a currently a focus of the business but offers excellent expansion potential.


*The business has ongoing maintenance contracts for treatment plants

*The business is renowned for its ability to assess complex system failures and it’s ability to offer professional solutions. The business has seen a significant increase in the number of larger projects and installations in recent years

*The business is currently handling only a small percentage of project requests due to capacity constraints. Adding additional employees would help alleviate this issue


*Business price includes equipment, vehicles and inventory of approximately $742K

*Business is owner operated with one seasonal employee of 8 years

*The owner is looking to sell the business as he approaches semi or complete retirement. He is flexible with the transition period and is open to assisting the new buyers for up to three years to ensure a successful transition

*Huge opportunity to increase revenues by focusing on expansion, as well as growth



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

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