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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44828002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Well-established business specializing in BMW and Mercedes auto parts sales

$949,000.00 (Cdn)

Well-established business specializing in BMW and Mercedes auto parts sales
Business Location: British Columbia
Postal Code: V3M
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Automotive Sales & Service
Repairs & Maintenance


Well-established business specializing in BMW and Mercedes used auto parts sales is for sale. Incorporated in 2009.

Located in the Metro Vancouver area. A very reasonable 3-year lease, covering a total area of approximately 14,300 square feet (8,800 sf warehouse and 5,500 sf yard).

The sale price includes inventory valued at approximately $1.5 million.

The owner is willing to stay on for 3 months to train the right buyer.

Share sale. NDA is required. Owner is retiring.


Price includes SDE of approximately $80K-$100K/annually and inventory of approximately $1.5M (as of early August, buyer to verify).
Owner works 40 hours/week, Mon-Fri.
Two employees: one FT and one PT.


Current business owner holds a grandfathered business license. To the best of our knowledge new business licenses for similar operations are not being issued.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • Inventory of approximately 1.5M
  • Assets
  • Clients lists
  • Business license (grandfathered)
  • 36 months lease

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