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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44904001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

E-Commerce Auto-Parts Business In Central Ontario - Ref #5223

$600,000.00 (Cdn)

E-Commerce Auto-Parts Business In Central Ontario - Ref #5223
Business Location: Toronto Area
Postal Code: M4C
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Automotive Sales & Service
E-Commerce & Internet


Business Overview:

*Operating for over 3 decade in the automotive parts industry, demonstrating a strong market presence and expertise.
*Serving a wide range of retail and wholesale customers across Canada.
*Specializes in providing a comprehensive inventory of high-demand automotive parts, catering to both individual and commercial clients.

Reputation and Financial Performance:

*Known for its competitive pricing, knowledgeable staff, and quality products, the business has built a solid reputation within the automotive community.
*Stable revenue stream, projecting an upward trend with estimated revenues reaching +$900,000 for 2024.


Client Base and Operations:

*Boasts a wide-ranging customer base, where loyal clients regularly recommend the business, leading to new leads.
*Key revenue streams include sales of essential auto parts, specialized components, and accessories, ensuring a steady flow of business.
*Functions effectively out of a fully equipped location, supported by a seasoned staff and robust inventory systems that deliver fast and accurate service.


Ownership and Management

*The business owner is planning to retire within the near future, creating an opportunity for new ownership.
*The business is currently owner-operated, with the owner involved in strategic decision-making and overall management.
*The owner is seeking to sell due to a desire to step back from daily operations but is open to remaining involved in a consulting role to support the new owner during the transition.



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