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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44904003
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Industrial, Commercial Cleaning & Maintenance Services

$1,100,000.00 (Cdn)

Industrial, Commercial Cleaning & Maintenance Services
Business Location: South Central Ontario
Postal Code: L7R
Relocatable: Yes
Business Categories:
Cleaning & Decorating
Repairs & Maintenance


This company is a multi-faceted hospitality, commercial and industrial facilities service company located in the heart of Central Ontario.
Committed to excellence and composed of a team of dedicated and reliable professionals with extensive technical expertise, it strives to offer a personal and unparalleled facility cleaning and maintenance experience.
Whether it's working to support an existing team, or managing every aspect of on-site facility maintenance, this progressive company offers tailor-made service programs to satisfy each client’s unique needs, while delivering effective and efficient results with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
The business operates from an owned 2,700 sq ft warehouse


Growth opportunities are significant.
The company has 1 manufacturing client that has 26 sites in which the business had the opportunity to quote all the cleaning for all the site locations in Canada and the US.
Two other manufacturing clients are also Canadian and US based with 80+ locations which can provide large scale expansion into new foreign markets.
Another manufacturer client is a global company with offices in Europe, South America, Canada & US. They have over 30 sites globally.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -

All fixtures, furnishings and equipment


-  EXCLUDED  from  the  Price  -

Building and land available for sale separately.

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