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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44905002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Solar Energy Systems And Solutions

$1,350,000.00 (Cdn)

Solar Energy Systems And Solutions
Business Location: South Central Ontario
Postal Code: L7R
Relocatable: Yes
Business Categories:
Energy & Environment
Home Based Business


This company designs and installs sustainable Solar Energy Solutions and Systems for both on-grid and off-grid applications, offers Comprehensive Electrical Services from installation to repairs and maintenance, and specializes in Energy Efficient Upgrades for residential and commercial properties.
The company provides North Western Ontario with sustainable solar solutions for homes and cabins with complete off-grid installations and reliable battery systems, harnessing renewable energy for sustainable and independent living. They have installed hundreds of systems across North Western Ontario. The business is home-based, they own the facility and it is not part of the business sale.


This business began as a sole proprietorship in 2012 and incorporated in 2021. In the Spring of 2021 the owner left his full-time job to further grow their side business. Within 2 years, the company's gross sales rose from around $150,000 per annum to $1.5 Million and now employs 2 full time employees. They hired a master electrician and the business became an electrical contractor in 2022. They are a licensed electrical contracting company which allows them to complete all aspects of their projects.


Any competitors are over 2 hours away. This company has been established for over a decade and are well-known and trusted in the area. They are also a licensed electrical contracting company which allows them to complete all aspects of their projects.
Huge potential exists in the electrical side and energy efficiency fields. There are also lots of opportunities to offer add-on services to customers such as opening and closing solar systems and cabins.



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-  EXCLUDED  from  the  Price  -

The business is home-based. They own the facility and it is not part of the business sale.

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