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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44910003
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Semi Absentee Owner: Pool & Spa Business for Sale in BC - Ref #70004

$2,800,000.00 (Cdn)

Semi Absentee Owner: Pool & Spa Business for Sale in BC - Ref #70004
Business Location: British Columbia
Postal Code: V
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Sports & Leisure Products
Contracting Trades


Established Pool and Spa Business: A reputable pool and spa business with a longstanding presence in the industry since 2004, known for its commitment to reliability and delivering high-quality services

Diverse Product Inventory: Boasts an extensive and varied inventory of pool and spa equipment, including pumps, filters, heaters, chemicals, and accessories, with an approximate value of total assets amounting to $905K. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients seeking top-notch pool and spa solutions

Experienced Workforce: A team of 18 skilled and experienced professionals with a profound understanding of pool and spa operations, maintenance, and customer service


Financial Overview: Average revenue for the past four years stands at approximately $3.6 million. The revenue for the year 2023 reached $4.29mil. As per seller, projections for the year 2024 indicate revenue estimates ranging from $4.1-$4.5 mil. Average SDE for last 4 years is 810K.

Products & Services Offered: Business specializes in new pool construction, comprehensive pool services, routine maintenance, retail offerings including pool and spa equipment


Training and Transition: Willingness to provide training and support during the transition period to help the new owner successfully take over the business

Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to all industry regulations and safety standards, ensuring a strong reputation for compliance and ethical business practices

Semi-Absentee Run Business: This model allows the owner flexibility as daily operations are managed by dedicated employees, minimizing the need for constant on-site presence.



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