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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44911001
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Market Leader In Sustainable Design Build Construction - Ref #7888

$3,350,000.00 (Cdn)

Market Leader In Sustainable Design Build Construction - Ref #7888
Business Location: British Columbia
Postal Code: V2G
Relocatable: No
Business Categories:
Construction & Renovations
Professional Services & Consulting


*Company is a leader with full-service design-build capability specializing in living architecture: green roof systems, living walls, green facades and integrated site water management. In addition company deals with specialized architectural products that complements its primary business

*Company has strong brand recognition, proprietary process and considered a leader in its market segment

*Company has developed strategic relationships with Builders, Architects, Developers and General Contractors. Proactive early engagement with stakeholders have helped them work with some of the big name projects across Canada


*Company with presence in Vancouver and has expanded to the GTA in late 2022 with significant investments for future growth

*Company has exclusive product distribution rights; invested heavily in its 13 FT employees and has a good management structure in place to grow revenues significantly in the near future

*Revenue of $3.7M and Normalized seller discretionary of $829K in YE Mar 2023. As per the Seller, YE Mar 2024 revenue, profits and SDE are expected to be higher than 2023


As per seller, as of Oct 2023, business has quoted project pipeline of $100M (75% of these are company’s products/systems are hard specified)

*The Owner (s) will consider reasonable Vendor Take Back and and/or an Earn-out from a qualified buyer

*The Owner(s) are willing to stay in a similar capacity for an agreed upon time for proper transition



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