Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada
Listing # 54128003
Business For Sale
Distributor of Central Vacuum Systems
$299,000.00 (Cdn)
Business Location: South Central Ontario
Postal Code: L7R
Relocatable: Yes
Business Categories:
Wholesale Trade & Distributor
International Business & Trade
This company distributes Central Vacuum systems for the manufacturer, who has produced vacuum systems and tubing-related products since 1945 and has established an internationally recognized operation producing high-quality products. This manufacturer services the needs of a wide customer base with superior service and performance and is a leader in the tubular products and central vacuum industries. Its products are distributed to over 25 countries and continue to grow due to aggressive distribution channel expansion and partnering agreements.
Well-established - 17 years.
Its commitment to satisfying customers has resulted in expansion efforts and enhanced production capabilities that have resulted in a steady increase of sales and market share, both internationally and domestically.
This company's advantage is the fact that the manufacturer has the reputation for offering the best central vacuum system, with the only “lifetime” warranty in the industry. This is due to the patented cyclonic separation system that has no filters or bags (no other brand offers this feature).
- INCLUDED in the Price - |
$250,000 in Inventory
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