Pay your Invoice
- Help Sheet -

"We Help You Sell Your Business"

Listing Number:

Enter the "Listing No." that we originally assigned to your Business For Sale Listing.   It was on the confirming e-mail that we sent to you when you originally entered your Business For Sale listing.   If you can't find it, please go to the "Buy a Business" Tab here and Search and Display your own For Sale listing.   You can see it there.


Amount to Pay:

Enter the Total Amount of your Invoice, including the GST or HST amount.
Either $34.65 (5% GST)
 -or-  $37.29 (ON, NB=13% HST)
 -or-  $37.62 (PEI=14% HST)
 -or-  $37.95 (NS, NL=15% HST).
Do not enter the dollar sign.


Paying with a Credit Card on PayPal:

Enter your "Listing Number" and the Total amount due in the entry boxes here: { either $34.65 (includes 5% GST)  -or-  $37.29/37.62/37.95 (includes 13%/14%/15% HST) }. Click on the white "Pay Now" icon (button) on this page just below the entry boxes, to jump to the secure PayPal credit card site.  Note: PayPal serves a very large number of customers and their site is very s-l-o-w ! ... Always wait for it to finish and show you fully completed pages.
Once you've arrived at the "PayPal" site ...
If you have used PayPal before and can remember the email address that you used then and what password you used, you can enter them now there in the appropriate boxes to "Log in" to your existing account (which is faster).  Otherwise, choose to pay with your Credit Card - open a new account.  Click on the word link that says: "Continue" (down on the page near where it says: "Don't have a PayPal account ...").
If you create a "New" account, you have to fill in the information requested on the form.  Note: that when you first select "Canada" - the form cycles around and re-creates itself to say "Postal Code" instead of the American term "Zip Code" ... (You may have to wait for this - as the page is very slow to re-build itself) ... Do not proceed until it says: "Postal Code".  When you've finished filling in this form (complete with the extra credit card digits from the back of your card - last 3 digits in the signature area); Click on the "Review Order and Continue" button.  Proceed from there as the screens request to complete the transaction.
If all goes well ... you will shortly receive an email confirmation from PayPal saying that they have processed your Credit Card payment to Business Sell Canada, and that your bank statement when you pay your Credit Card bill at the end of the month will show that the payment went to "PayPal - BUSSELCAN" on our behalf.  Note: If you don't receive the confirmation email from PayPal within an hour or so, then the transaction was NOT completed correctly !  Either try again or check with us.

Thank you for listing your Business For Sale at: BusinessSellCanada.